Monday, October 15, 2012

Should I go to the U.S Air Force? (Open Discussion , Comment Below)

In my School people from military schools are constantly there. I do not know why.
I'll tell you what triggered my sudden thirst for a Military position.
The movie that just came out this year BattleShip.
If any of you have seen it ( by the way it was a great movie, ( Review Available by request :P )
it was action packed, dramatic and basically awesome!
I couldnt believe it.!
I guess the Speakers in the movie theater was just loud, but the Basses and sound effects made the movie truly left me with awe.
The way the teams worked together just made me say "WOW, that looks like something I want to do."

Back to the school thing. I saw a lady dressed in her Uniform, looking spiffy as heck !
I was just like , I want to join the Air Force.
It looks like no day in the park but it seems like a challenge I thought I was ready for.
There would definetly be fears I'd have to over come because I am afraid of heights and flying.
However I did speak with my mother and she wasnt so happy about it. She said "No, They're not taking you to," with an empty look on her face. Like Of course Nylla , You dont want to get fired on by another plane and have to jump out the suicide doors with no parachute.
No sir'ee Bob
Should I pursue the dreams I chose to file to the back of my head?
*Comment *

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