Monday, July 30, 2012

Adalia Rose vs. Poor Countries

The Question is , WHY does everyone care about one and not the other ?

I was scrolling down my facebook newsfeed and I kept seeing collages of why People care So much about Progeria Patient , Adalia Rose. My whole outlook on this question (the heading) is What compells people to believe that people care more about Adalia instead of kids in Africa and third world countries that are being put through slavery and have diseases and are fighting hunger? From my point of view, poor people arent in reach of a sanitary place to live, healthy food and fresh water. Thing is , Adalia Rose is the average american , she has all of the nessecities but she is fighting an incurable disease that is VERY rare. Hunger isnt rare , believe it or not. Hunger can be cured , unlike her disease. I would'nt say people need to feel sorry for her,  because to me she is a normal little girl that does normal little girl activities and shouldnt be anything different because of her disease. I would just say that Hunger in third world countries are By cause. Her disease , as rare as it is, isnt her fault. and neither is hunger, but the point im trying to draw is that people shouldnt say that one is cared about more than the other because it simply isnt true.