Friday, October 12, 2012

Balancing School &|d Life.

Balancing the almost impossible.

Okay so, I am in school as of right now and it seems like almost nothing was the same as last year.
My battle has just begun.
My day consists of: Waking up just as exhausted as I went to bed, Going to school , Putting up with crap the whole day, working hard in classes to keep my grades in the skies and then going to afterschool activities , then going home exhausted to piles of homework and loads of computer work to do.
I do participate in my school districts marching band so that makes it almost impossible to have any free time for myself.
Before me week even starts it is already booked up. My passionate love for dance is keeping me from quitting the program.
The UPSIDE to this is: Its teaching me how to budget my time.
There has to be time for sleep, waking up , school, after school activites, homework, computer work, showers, dinner, and then finally sleep.
I do plan to keep most of the frienndships I had last year, but thats becoming merely impossible with the hectic life. The bags underneath my eyes can tell the story for me, Can yours?

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